When you come out as anything – a tomato hater, secret Alanis Morissette fan, or in my case, non-binary – there’s typically going to be an adjustment period for the people in your life. This may even be described as a mourning period; as people adjust to their new vision of you, they have to simultaneously grieve who they thought you once were. I thought I would speed up this process. In April 2023, I created Monday Mourning – a fake (and somewhat emotionally real) funeral for Claire. I had guests dress in their best chic funeral attire and donned my angel costume to make one last apperance as my former self. What followed next was a night of mystery and intruige. I wrote characters for each of the attendees, many stemming from my real life, even more just made up to make my friends laugh. The visual imagery was inspired by old funeral homes and darling grandma sweaters, with a touch of Rocky-Horror Show typography.